We receive no financial assistance from any government organization or agency. So we reach out to you, the public, for any type of contribution you can provide, whether it is monetary, something from our wish list, or simply you coming out and volunteering your time and helping hands at PCC.

Here are some kind words about what we are doing to make a difference...

Blessings to you & your “Wee Ones”
— Rita K.
Bridgette- Your favorite animals thank Jim for his $100 donation in honor of your birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!”
— Paws Criter Crossing "Critters"

Here are a couple ways to donate


Donate via Cash app $PawsCritterCrossing

Donate via GiftSmart

Donate via Venmo

Donate to Paws with PayPal

Shop with us on Market America

Sponsor an Animal

Check back for soon for details on sponsoring an animal.


Visit our page on GoFundme.com

If you like to shop Amazon and would like to help out by addind a little something to your order, check out our Amazon wish list. The supplies and enrichment items help the wildlife and farm animals through-out the year!

Thank you to our Generous Donors for all your Support every year throughout the Year! Since we are a foundation surviving solely on donations we struggle to make ends meet at times. Without you, We could not do it with out you! SO THANK YOU:

—to the Anonymous donors
—Crescent Jewelers, Lansing, IL, http://www.crescentjewelers.com
—Target Truck Rentals, Scherreville, IN, info@targettrucks.com