We have been caring for animals for more than 50 years.
Our History
Dwight and Darlene Uhter started Paws Critter Crossing (PCC), located in Cook County, Illinois, in 1950 with just a handful of animals. As the years passed by they took more and more animals each year. Some were bought and some were brought and now the refuge is a safe haven for almost 100 permanent residents. The permanent residence at PCC consists of animals that were unwanted or neglected by agencies/people and indigenous and non-indigenous wild animals that have been captive breed. The Uhters enjoyed caring for their animals so much, they decided to start helping wildlife as well. So, it was then that Paws Critter
Crossing became a two-fold operation.
In 1999 PCC was incorporated as a non-for-profit organization striving to keep the refuge open for community outreach and education and to rehabilitate and safely release orphaned, injured and displaced wildlife. All the animals that are at or brought to PCC are cared for and provided with veterinary treatment if needed. The rehabilitated wildlife animals are treated and released unless they are too weak to survive.